Enjoy the flexibility to create an OTC Benefit Program that meets your members needs
As an experienced OTC Benefit program administrator, we know that plan customization is the key to making the member experience seamless and effective.
With OTC Benefit Solutions, Health plans are able to customize the following aspects of their programs:

Choose from a list of over 600 OTC items across more than 45 CMS approved categories, including PPE! In addition, our product sourcing capabilities allow for Health Plans to request any additional items be added to their program.

The Health Plan determines the benefit allowance and frequency (monthly/quarterly). Limits can be set on the number of free shipments a member is permitted per benefit period. Our multi-plan capabilities allow for the same benefit to be offered to numerous plans with different benefit rules.

Plans are billed weekly for the items that members order along with a flat rate shipping fee. We offer custom reporting such as plan utilization rates, bestselling products and more for easy program management.

We provide a custom design print ready product catalog and order forms complete with your branding. Health Plans can choose to include high quality product images, active ingredients and any additional information in the product catalog.

We create an easy-to-use custom branded webstore that is convenient for member ordering. Product and category purchasing limits can be set on the webstore. Additionally, a credit card option can be added to the webstore for members wanting to purchase beyond their benefit allowance.

Our call center is equipped with both English and Spanish speaking reps. We also offer the option for additional language lines if needed. Custom call scripting can be provided to the call center representatives.